Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Garden Hazard

To much shock and amazement from my family I am still gardening!
I actually grew lettuce and spinach over the winter and they are still doing well in the spring garden.
Here's what I have growing in our Spring 2009 Square Foot Garden

We had a very mild winter here in Florida but this Spring has been a different story.
Mid 80's one day and 60's the next (Northerners will have a good laugh at that but it's a big drop for Florida). The cold fronts have been accompanied by strong winds and rain. The rain is Great...we really need it and my grass looks fabulous.
My tomato plants are not holding "Up" well to the wind.
Here's what they should look like
Tall, Beautiful, Green, Lots of tomatoes growing, with a couple strawberry plants taking up the extra space

But for the past 2 weeks they have looked more like THIS

Yes, they still have lots of tomatoes, even a few turning red.
I am pretty sure they shouldn't be laying down and the low branches are taking a beating.
They are turning yellow and brown.

After they fall over I head out and carefully pick them back up.
The top section of one of the plants broke off. It had a bunch of tomatoes on it so I stuck it in the ground with the hopes that it will root.

If you followed my gardening adventures last summer you know I didn't have much luck with tomatoes. My plants were attacked by a Tomato Horn Worm. The plants eventually died.

To add to the tomato bad luck a few months ago I started seeds in a tray.
I was so excited, heading out to water them everyday, waiting to see a sprout pop up.
Before they could even sprout the dogs played tug of war with the trays.
The Dogs Won!

I am determined to have a successful garden and tomatoes are my favorite, so I am not going to give up. Today I will go out and assess the damage from yesterdays storm. I might even start some seeds in the event that these plants don't make it.



Anonymous said...

The garden is awesome!

Jamie said...

poor tomatoes! They are my favorite too.